Thursday, April 9, 2009

THE PASSOVER: memorial of the death of jesus christ

Today is the passover, and observance of the death of Jesus Christ. Today i read the bible. Particularly the events leading directly up to his death. it was so powerful. i mean, in it, it said that when Jesus died, Jehovah caused a earth quake, and darkness over cast the land. mmmmm. i was thining of how that must have really hurt Jehovah's heart. More hurt then anything i have ever felt. i mean, the fact that him and jesus had been together for ALL of ETERNITY, before ANYTHING was EVER created, is awe inspiring. Then they CREATED EVERYTHING that exists TOGETHER, must have created a irrefutable bond. Jusus was dead for three days. and although Jehovah KNEW he was going to resurrect him, and he had the power to, it didnt matter. his SON, his fisrt creation was in a DEAD state. i thought about that sacrifice. and how he WILLINGLY did that for US. for a bunch of humans, who deny him, who say he is evil, and say he is not there. i cant say that i would want to give the life of my daughter for people like that. mmmmm, NO i WOULD NOT. But jehovah did. his gift to us (his son's life) is the most important, and dear gift ever given in the history of the world. i prayed today that realizing all this, and observing the passover would move my heart to want to do more for jehovah. i prayed that it was cause me to want to be more spiritual and serve him better and faithfully. i prayed hard.

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