Tuesday, November 13, 2018

New Thought Sermon: Preparation Meets Manifestation

Loving Myself. A Few Things I've Added.

I heard many wonderful reviews of this Wild Growth oil. I've used it before but not on a consistent basis like I should have. Well, i got some more to help regrow these edges and I will be consistent and documenting my growth. A lot of times what gets discouraging to me is not being able to REALLY tell if a product is working or not. But if 'm consistent and take before and after pictures it keeps me motivated and encouraged to stick with a routine EVERY DAY. Yes, I have been doing better to consciously add a few practices and habits that  LOVE  on myself but I want to do it on a DAILY basis, for a WHILE to SEE the improvement. I exercise in the morning when I get off work. I just head straight up to the gym and do at least a 2 mile jog. I lift weights for my arms, legs, and do crunches so the abs. I do it because i feel great when I do it. I'm happier, calmer and over all just enjoy being in my own skin more when I exercise and run. 
I will set the goal to quit smoking as many times as i need til i sticks. And i BELIEVE it will. I affirm to myself "I am not a smoker." "I quit smoking." EVEN IF I DO light up I STILL affirm " I am NOT a smoker." Tonight my goal is to NOT ask for a cigarette and just go to the gym instead of stright outside to smoke after work. And when I am on the bus stop, I'll PRAY. PRAY. PRAY. PRAY. My goal tomorrow is to get home WITHOUT a cigarette and instead just go to the gym to change my ROUTINE of what I normally do.  That's tough love. Because it's something that's a habit. I DON'T like it. I DON'T want to do it. BUT the appeal in it, is that it feels good to do. BUT THAT DOESNT MATTER. Smoking kills. It HARMS. It causes you to age, ETC. AND IT DEFINITELY DOES NOT SHOW MYSELF THAT I LOVE MYSELF. THAT IS NOT A SELF LOVING HABIT.  Loving my God= Loving myself. And i will show God how much I love and appreciate it and am ready for it by cleaning my mind and body. LOVING MYSELF in every way. No matter how hard it is. I love me and I don't want to do things to myself or my body that hurt and harm me or cold cause me to have cancer. I just need all the prayer. lol. It's bad for the skin too. It ages you and dries you out. smh. 
On another note, another possitive thing I have been doing for myself is taking my vitamins on a regular basis.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Just Writing

This week was ok. I know i'm HAPPY it's Friday and get to be with my babies! Plus I JUST went to the grocery store so w have all the food we can enjoy. I started this week off on a good foot with exercising. I went to the gym Monday and Tuesday. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE running. he only problem is that i don't want/ need to loose ANY more weight . So I have to curve my enthusiasm to go to the gym and JST RUN for miles on end. owever, there is a youtube video that I wold like to follow on Wednesdays and do yoga on the weekends. o stay consistent but still give my joints and legs a break. Speaking of breaks, I STILL havnt braided my hair. I am happy about it. I decided that I will start a protective style challenge Dec- Feb. It's just three months and wont be so damaging because I plan on doing a lot of two strands twist. But for this month I'm doing wash n' goes with my difusser.

VIDEO: Understanding Melanin Dr Llaila Afrika

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

New Thought Sermon: Words Become Matter

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." But in the process, we taught our children that words don't matter. When in reality, words BECOME matter. They become buildings, and experiences, and THINGS. "You can't complain your way to happiness, health and success." How can complaining created happiness, and health? How does God see this? Would od complain about this? 2. Bless everything with gratitude. THank you God for everything. The art of allowing, is blessing everything. Nothing is ACTUALLY ever WRONG. "What some meant for evil, God meant for good. "I allow (insert good thing)" and later when you're ready "I allow (insert not so good thing)." 1. "wait a min, I'm God" 2. "I allow____" 3. Practice being thankful for EVERYTHING. You were taught to complain. Meanwhile you're just disrupting your feel of good.