Friday, April 17, 2009

I am spending this weekend in SILENCE: 4/16 7a-4/19 12a

I have a pain in my chest that is stressed induced. This ONE particular area ONLY hurts when i am stressed out. So i have decided to pamper myself as it will. i will be spending this ENTIRE weekend in COMPLETE silence. it is what i will call a speach detox. for what reasons?:
1.PHYSICAL:so that my chest will feel better. talking a lot of times leads to annoying conversation and behavior which will lead to my chest continuing to tighten and feel worse
2.i am working on not cursing and speaking hurtful things. so this weekeend will jump start that
3.SPIRITUAL: i will engolf myself in intense bible reading and study sessions.
4. i just dont like the way my family communicates and as a way of mending myself and healing myself i will stay to myself this weekend. well, just me and jehovah.

at any rate i look forward to my weekend being full of all spiritual activity:
DURING THE DAY: -speach silence
-time with poots
EVENING : (after poots is sleep)
NIGHT: -bible reading

wish me the best! i will post my progress

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