Monday, July 21, 2008

ok u know what!?

i dont know what to do anymore. we were over devin's mother's house today and poots was fussin cause she was sleepy and didnt want to be there. well mrs. paula goes on a rant about how poots is spoiled and blah blah blah, then aerica chimed in and said she is spoiled. i rolled/cut my eyes at paula but didnt say anything. devin said "dont do that" in an under tone. i got up and went to get my child. picked her up and tended to her. well when we got in the car i asked devin "why'd u tell me to stop. i didnt do or say anything disrespectful. and i'm sure that if i did she would have said something to me." "she's tired of saying stuff to u." then we started to fuss. idk what was said i cant remember. i'm tired of feeling ganged up on about how i care for my child and wht i do with her. i'm alone in this and it gets frustrating. also i am tired of him always feeling i am wrong no matter what i say or do. espcially when its partaining to his family and shit. he never defends me. i was mad earlier. i done forgot why i wa as mad as i was. its just that no matter what i do with him i'm wrong. and they are right. i'm tired of hearing how spoiled my daughter is. i dont even feel like talkin to him about it. it will just turn around to somehow be my fault. i get so tired of this. just everything. not knowing what he wants when it comes down to her, fussin about her, and feeling unfufilled.i told mrs.paula that i wanted to get poots ears peierced and asked if she wanted to come along and she said "i dont beileve in baby torture." all the fuck she had to say was "no thank u." all that stupidity was sooo unnecesarry. i was talking to devin about it and OF COARSE i am wrong he says to me "y do u get offended over every little thing." WHAT?! r u fuckin serios?! she just fuckin implied that i am doing something unhealthy to my child! if she doesnt believe in it thst fine. but DAMN! and it pisses me off because i just want him to say ONE TIME " u know baby ur right. i understand y u would feel that way." but in stead i am the bad guy and made to feel cheap because she's an ass.he never understands when she is wrong. i hate feeling this way. i just want to take my poots and go to a island and live there. just her and i. she's all i need in this world. she is my world. my life.
today devin was being the ass that he is and his mom siad "i hope u grow up b4 she does" and then "imma pray for her so that she isnt effected by u and ur ignorance." i thought imma pray too. she was right about THAT. i think its futile to leave him for this reason because no matter what he's gonna see poots and influence her in his way. i cant stop that. but at least this way i can have her close to me often and keep it under control. i feel sorry for poots to. thank god she has me. lol. god bless her sweet soul. i got her "back" lol. i'm tired of being pissed off over his ass though. but i love him. for some reason. lol. and i dont WANT to be without him. i know i prolly NEED to. i just cant wait for him to grow up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi lady,
I am new to your blog and I am catching up on your posts. You will be okay just please return to school or start on your holistic path. I don't believe you can spoil an infant-its impossible. Breathe easy and you and your babygirl will be fine. She is lovely.
And I love Vanessa Williams and Amerie.
Stay Blessed.