Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Self Deffense

lol. could you imagine baby tai kwon doe!? lol. I would like to enroll Kira in some self deffense classes as soon as possible. So that she always has a edge when/ if she is alone. I want her to be able to wack some balls if they get out of line. lol. i know having her will put me in contact with avenues of my personality that need to be brought out and refined. Hense why i want to be a more spiritual person. To lead by example and instill the proper values in her. i want us to do yoga together, and bake cookies and other really gay stuff. lol

I would like to find some mommy/ baby yoga classes to get my body back in shape. i think she will like it. I know i will. It will be relaxing to her. something we can share together. i would like for the two of us to be vegeterian, natural, yoga lovin combo. lol. i wont push it on her, but i will introduce it to her young so it's not hard for her to get used to.

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