Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Just writting

i have started a regular exercise rutine of walking/ running to take care of my body while on my spiritual journey. it only makes sense to take optimal care of what you use to praise god with. lol. i have doing many spiritual things lately. all things for jehovah. lol. its been fun. celibacy is going good. even though its only been a day. lol. but i am praying real hard to stay on it. if i died tomorrow. i want be able to look at my creator and say SOMETHING. say "this is what i did for you" "this is how i obeyed you lord". i pray also for a calm spirit. especially this week because i am PMS'ing. and you KNOW how CRAZY and unspiritual i can get. i refuse to let that happen again this month. i am stayign onmy path. and i wont fuss at devin. i keep meditating and doing my affirmations.

1 comment:

Hyaku Juuhachi said...

lmao @ "celibacy is goin good even though its only been a day"

lady you are worse than me! haha but last i checked you looked fine as could be! i don't think baby daddy got nothin to complain about!

Oh and I followed you on Twitter so don't forget about a nigga!

Much love gorgeous