Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Baby Shower Was This Past Weekend

It went well. surprisingly it wasnt as annoying as i thought it was gping to be. For dinner we had BBQ chicken, patatoe salad, mac n cheese, string beans and cake. the cake was heavenly! lol. Although my family wasnt there a lot of girls from my jobs showed up and my cousin chanel. i love her. i got nice things including really practical girls life baby tylanol, and baby gas reliefe medicine. i got a nursing pillow also. lots of really cute clothse and so forth. i'm greatful. Paula didnt show up. Mr. Quinton did but she wasnt there (how dumb does that look) and he showed up empty handed. WTF. Niether one of them have bought Kira or even offered to buy Kira ANYTHING. Dumb asses. Thats was really in bad taste. but Devin didnt tell any of his family. Like his grandmom, aunts, uncles, cousins, or even his own brother. what is his problem? immature, thats what it is. the whole family is really fucked up and here i go.

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