Tuesday, May 11, 2010

what i have decided to do

is to not return to school until Akira is in school. its only two more years. i think devin is going to go back now. and im proud of him for that. iv wanted him to go back to school for quite some time. but my reason for postoning school for a while is because i REALLY feel like i want to focuse all of (or MOST of) my free time on raising poots, and teaching her. i dont want to take time away from her to fulfill my personal goals, i feel i should have done that when i was single. but i didnt. and thats MY fault not poots'. do i make sense? ill go to school during the hours that she's in school. so there is no time away from her. i want to spend this time raising her and preparing her for whats ahead, giving her a hed start. so i told devin that on tuesdays, thursdays and fridays i would keep her with me, and i made a MAJOR list and schedule of some of the fun things i have planned for us o do. im excited!! but already sleepy. loool

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