Tuesday, November 6, 2018

New Thought Sermon: Words Become Matter

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." But in the process, we taught our children that words don't matter. When in reality, words BECOME matter. They become buildings, and experiences, and THINGS. "You can't complain your way to happiness, health and success." How can complaining created happiness, and health? How does God see this? Would od complain about this? 2. Bless everything with gratitude. THank you God for everything. The art of allowing, is blessing everything. Nothing is ACTUALLY ever WRONG. "What some meant for evil, God meant for good. "I allow (insert good thing)" and later when you're ready "I allow (insert not so good thing)." 1. "wait a min, I'm God" 2. "I allow____" 3. Practice being thankful for EVERYTHING. You were taught to complain. Meanwhile you're just disrupting your feel of good.

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