Thursday, August 30, 2018

VIDEO Sermon: Cleansing ourselves of european concepts by Dr. Marimba Ani

Truly enjoyed this classic piece of  information. I especially liked that she gave the parallel African concepts with the European concepts that need to be cleared out. Showing us and telling us exactly where a healthy spirit and mind should be thinking on and doing. "Everything single thing that European's do is about the pursuit of European power". If the way things are does not facilitate in the getting of power, and being able to dominate, the European is not interested. They have a very separatist mind. They HAVE to think that way, because the only way they can comfortably  oppress others is by separating themselves and having a "better then THEM" attitude. That atitude and way of thinkng is in their DNA. I really don't understand how other people of color DON'T see how white patriarchal racism has marred every aspect of life for us.

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