Monday, September 14, 2009

We're Getting Married On The 20th

ok ok ok for real for real this time. no more jokin around. lmaooo..but in reality yall..its ME. i get cold feet. he is always READY when ever i set a date then i chicken out. cause when things are great i am ALL FOR IT, and i think "i am going to spend my life with him." then he gets on my nerves some kindda way i think "i am going to spend my life with him??" and i realize that not only do i have to spend my life with the good, but the bad too. and i know this will ALWAYS be the case with ANYONE, but it trips me up at time, and makes me fearful. ill pray through it.


Hyaku Juuhachi said...

I just don't see the point in marriage these days but I wish you the bestest marriage that ever existed =]


KiKiB said...

OH THANK YOU.what makes u feel that way? the way people in general are? there are a lot of benefits to marriage...even financially. the state will help married people out so much sooner then they do single people. lol. but there are a lot of people that feel the way u do..i cant say i dont understand u