As i was uploading these videos and pics of my child tears came to my eyes because i thought of someone who lost thier child. The mother of DERRIOUS ALBERT. Its sooo sad and hurtful. The other morning on my way to school a morning show was talking about him and they mentioned how he was a straight A student and a church going boy and generally a good kid. and i couldnt contain it anymore i just broke down. how could i NOT? all i could do was think about his mother. to loose a child to such a sensless, careless, CRUEL act is unbearable.i pray for her. i pray soo hard for her! i dont know what i would do if some deamon child hurt yet alone KILLED my child because she didnt want to join a gang.or whatever it was he was doing. i heard it was his refusal to fight in some gang violence. i HATE GANGS! i hate them i hate them i hate them! i hate everything about them! i hate the codes they live by. to kill someone because they refuse to be with you!!CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN THAT TO ME?? PLEASE! if gangbangin is a life YOU CHOOSE to live, THATS A FINE CHOICE FOR YOU.but to FORCFULLY MAKE someone join?? WHAT?? wouldnt thier allegence to the gang be tighter and better if the person WANTED to join. but instead they join cause they dont wanna die.thats not a heartfelt member. ok and if they dont want to join JUST LET THEM WALK! what harm is it to the organization? if my child were to be killed or die because of something this STUPID i couldnt live any longer.and i would take some heads with me.them mutha fuckas would go DOWN. the anger that wells up inside of me with just the thought is too much to describe. NO PARENT SHOULD HAVE TO FEEL THAT STING!
And imma say this cliche' statment:there has got to be a better way. i feel like there is something in the heart of our communities that fester gang growth. but what?? i know many young people join gangs to fel hey belong to a family. to feel that mother, father, sister, brother UNIT.but sooo many families these days are broken. is this the cause of gang growth. children growing up without that FULL family feelin so they reach for it in other places mainly gangs?? so to stop this gang growth, we need to keep our families together! we need to GET our families together. MARRIAGE is OK people! there is NOTHING wrong with it, nothing to be afraid of. if u making love to this person, cookin, cleaning for this person and yall been together for 2826837629182 years there is NO REASON y u SHOULD not be married. NOT FOR THE KIDS but for YOU and the community. to set a example of family unity, loyalty, and endurance.
Its so sad because i love people. i want to see them grow and prosper and whatever way i can aid in that i am glad to assist. but with the birth of my child i have soooo much of ugly side of the world in a different light. i got robbed a few years back. i didnt want to leave my house, and when i did eventually EVERY young black man, i was afraid of. and its sad really.i HATE stereotypes just as much as the next person, but you dont know WHO. and because the VAST MAJORITY of these young guys out here these days are crazy, or gang bangin or whatever, imma group them all in one bunch and be afraid of them all. its soo sad cause i dont want to be. i want it to be better. but people these days dont care about you, and im scared of them. i should be able to walk down my street as a young black women and feel that other young black men are going to look out for me. or at the VERY LEAST NOT HURT ME. but no.instead i fear the people i should call my BROTHER.
His name was DERRION Albert boo
OH SHIT! thank you
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