Monday, September 14, 2009

I Need To Take Better Care Of Myself

i am sooo happy to be in school. and i really feel as though i am accomplishing my goals. i love school. i study and read my chapter, do my homework. last week however i took a math test and FAILED it TWICE. i was sooo super discouraged, only because i practiced and practiced and practiec my ASS off. until i was doing COMPLETE practice sheet and MAYBE getting one wrong. so to take a test a FAIL, was like a slap in the face to me. i went in the bathroom and cried so PMS'ing and i just COULD NOT control it. it took EVERYTHING in me not to leave for that day. i didnt. and ended up feeling so much better. i mean on th plus side, the math class is a self paced math class so i have as long as i need to to pass. but my goal was to finnish it in like half the semester so i could move on. but now i feel as though i need to take better physical care of myself. drinking more water, eatting more veggies ect. i dont poo often. (TMI? sorry) but it worries me. i need to be here as long as possible for poots. and i sure as hell aint gettin younger. there are other things too but...they are kind of personal. i havent done ANYTHING spiritual. i start off sooo strong and then when i fall off i REALLY fall off. its frustrating really. as a result my mom is treating me worse then ever. she doesnt great me, of say goodbye, theres no small talk no NOTHING. i havnt really felt inspired to write. when i have one thing right 10 things go wrong.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

A chlorophyll supplement might help you with the bm's (you aren't the only with that problem sis, lol). Adding a few minutes or prayer and meditation to your daily routine might help you too. Don't sweat the test or the'll knock it out the park I'm sure. Peace & power sistren...