Break off a leaf of Aloe Vera from plant; the gel-like liquid inside the leaf when applied to acne pimples helps heal acne faster and without scarring. Can also be used to wash entire face to keep skin looking healthy and to prevent acne in the first place.
No doubt about it aloe vera WILL help your skin heal from the damage cause by your acne. It WILL lesson redness and swelling. And it WILL improve the overall health of your skin.
But it WON’T cure acne.
No topical or external acne treatment can cure acne. The only way to do that is internally.
Using aloe vera and jojoba these herbal ingredients work to cure dry scalps and dry hair. Aloe vera works as a natural moisturizer that moistens the scalp at the deepest level, leaving you feeling fresh and ready for anything. Try some of these aloe vera hair care shampoos and experience the best of aloe vera.
Beauty Health & Healing From the Ancient Herb Aloe Vera
The saying “Beauty comes from Within,” takes on a literal meaning or fact - once you know how Aloe Vera works in the body when you drink it! Yes you can safely drink Aloe Vera. Within weeks you can see a more vibrant glow of youthfulness and feel healthier from this ancient Egyptian herb of the past. Writings say Cleopatra Queen of Egypt used Aloe Vera herself. Smart woman if I do say so!
Many people have experienced the healing powers of the Aloe Vera plant when applied topically to a cut or burn. Yet the reason it works is not commonly known. Research shows us there are five natural occurring anti-inflammatory agents that exist along with growth factors located in the plant. They work together quickly to relieve pain sensations, reverse scarring and speed healing miraculously! The healing magic of drinking Aloe Vera is also supported through scientific research and ancient writings of traditional use of the plant. First and foremost Aloe Vera is classified as an herbal bitter. The bitter portions of the plant also known as anthraquinones are located just under the outer leaf. So if you drink the Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Juice Concentrate – still containing the bitter yellow sap as nature provides in the plant itself – you will receive this wonderful digestive bitter. Be aware that products that state they remove aloin and aloe emodin are void of the bitter properties from Aloe Vera.
In my clinical practice I found adults and children were lacking in their ability to digest foods properly. Taken before meals this slightly pungent juice Aloe Vera - stimulates digestive juices to flow properly into the stomach and small intestines. Gastric juices are essential to break down the foods we eat for absorption into the cells. Aloe Vera helps the stomach, liver and pancreas to work properly for digestion on every level .Harvard Medical School has proven in their studies on aging that desired hydrochloric acid (HCL) levels in the stomach reduce dramatically as people age. This is one reason why increased digestive disorders are found in the elderly. People get heartburn, gas, indigestion and even reflux when they are not secreting proper gastric juices. When we lack our digestive health we do not absorb properly and can experience a myriad of poor health conditions to include; premature aging of the skin, gum disease, acne, psoriasis, fatigue, allergies, immunity imbalances and even osteoporosis. Our health does depend on what foods we eat yet very importantly the amounts we absorb into the cells daily. See for yourself as I have - how the body can rebuild itself and reverse aging from the inside out by drinking a quality Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Juice Concentrate daily. To optimize health and beauty we must optimize our digestion!
Acne consists of skin blemishes and pustules on the face and body. Acne is greatly effected by digestion, glandular health and nutrition. For best results avoid fried foods and sweets. Include more vegetables in the diet. Drink Aloe Vera juice before meals and apply a therapeutic Aloe Vera Skin Gel with no water added on the skin twice daily to restore the acid pH needed for healthy skin. Apply the Skin Gel after washing the face and body properly. Aloe Vera is an astringent which closes the pores. Apply a moisturizer after the skin gel to maintain proper protection of the skin and prevent over production of the oil glands. Aloe helps to reverse scarring. Avoid constipation by drinking plenty of water and eating scrubbing vegetables such as carrots and celery or apples. For more helpful information reference the sections Diet and Candida in the book Gift Of Nature by Karen Masterson-Koch, C.N..
Recommended Aloe Life Support Nutrients:
Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Juice Concentrate, Ultimate Skin Gel, Daily Greens Formula, Recommended Special Product Picks: Cal Mag Zinc, B-Complex, Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, Famil E, Ester C, Jarrodophilus Powder, Fiber Mate, Udo's Choice Essential Fatty Acid Oil.
Other Recommended Nutrients: Protein (half your weight and eat that many grams daily).
To do a more vigorous cleanse for the skin add Aloe Life Detox Plus Formula and Capryllic Acid Tablets but wait at least six months after starting the other cleanse because it is already very detoxifying and you don't want to overload your body too fast.
Drink 32-64oz of water daily and expose the skin to sunshine whenever possible. This is a very effective program and you should have wonderful results. When starting a cleansing program the skin usually gets a little worse while the toxins are being stirred up and trying to escape through the tissues. This is a good sign it means that you are cleansing, stick with it and it will clear leaving soft radiant skin!
Eczema, Psoriasis & Skin Health
Skin health is achieved through addressing two crucial factors. First an individual must optimize how the body works. Second an individual must maximize the body to build healthy lining cells that cover the body on the inside and out. Several areas must be implemented for success when rebuilding the health of the skin. These include daily nutrition, drinking water, optimizing digestion, correcting constipation and liver functions, exercise and balancing the immune system. I have found through years of professional experience including counseling thousands of individuals that you can reverse poor health and minimize or eliminate prescription medicine through optimizing the functioning of your body. The ancient herb Aloe Vera speeds the regenerative process for healthier skin faster. Drinking Aloe Vera and applying a Skin Gel topically works as a catalyst in reaching your health goals.
Factors That Improve Skin Health
Diet - Include nutritious foods with quality proteins and vegetables daily.
As tolerated eat 3-6 servings of protein foods including; whole grain cereals, brown rice and breadstuff that contain good fiber, yogurt, beans, fish, (salmon, etc.) lean meats, yams, red potatoes, raw nuts and seeds (nut & seed butters), and eggs.
Include 5-11 servings of dark green and orange vegetables which give more Vitamin A (beta carotene); important for building healthy lining cells, supporting immune function, vision and fighting infection. Carrots, yellow squash, yams, broccoli, garlic, leafy greens like chard and kale are excellent for steaming and contain high amounts of Vitamin E and Minerals including Sulfur which are important for collagen repair. Use dark green lettuce like Romaine for salads and sandwiches and use a rainbow of vegetables like celery, radishes ( red & white), carrots, purple & green cabbage, beets, etc. in salads to keep the bowels regular too. Add a natural green fiber supplement like Fiber Mate by Aloe Life to optimize waste removal from the body.
Avoid overeating. Keep junk foods low. Especially harmful for the skin are sugar, alcohol, and fried foods. Chew your foods well before swallowing. Include a vegetable supplement like Healthy and Slim Daily Greens by Aloe Life to help with your intake of these valuable foods for the skin. ( Gluten intolerance located primarily in whole grains may contribute to poor skin conditions in some people. Experiment with eating the IBS ( Irritable Bowl Syndrome) diet for one month found in the digestive section on the website and see if you notice a faster improvement.)
Water - Drink larger amounts of water; 6-8 glasses and beverages in between meals. Drink only small amounts of liquids at meal times so you will not dilute your existing digestive juices.
The body is 75% water by mass. It needs water daily to provide the medium to support glandular function of the liver and other organs of the body which are involved in healthy skin. Water carries nutrition into the skin and allows waste products to be eliminated. The lack of water or dehydration causes the skin to age faster. Drinking your daily water of 6-8 glasses will increase your energy and keep the cells plump improving the cellular metabolism and provide a youthful appearance.
Digestion - Many people lack proper digestive juices to fully break down foods and supplements. The digestive system includes; enzymes and gastric juices found in the mouth, stomach, pancreas, and liver.
It is not normal to observe whole pieces of food passing in the stool. Yet many people with chronic illness experience this. Poor digestion can take place even at a more microscopic level in the stomach, small intestines, and the liver itself. Harvard and Tuft University have found that adults over the age of 60 have a dramatically lower level of HCL (hydrochloric acid) flowing in the stomach. I have found lower than desirable levels in young children and most adults as well. Low HCL prevents the proper digestion of protein and minerals very crucial for healthy and vibrant skin. The pancreas can under function with a poor diet and lack of exercise. The primary purpose of the pancrease gland is to make insulin and digestive enzymes. Insulin encourages healthy glucose absorption for proper energy to be made in the cells. The enzymes are designed to break down food once it leaves the stomach and goes into the small intestine. Also a lazy liver can cheat us of proper bile flow into the duodenum. Bile further digests our important fat soluble vitamins like A, E, K and the Essential Fats that must be present to build skin cells and to support our glandular system.
To maximize your digestive juices chew your food well before swallowing. Don't over eat. Better to eat 3-6 smaller meals rather than one huge one. Relax at meal times the very best you can. Take an herbal bitter like Aloe Life Whole Leaf Aloe Juice Concentrate available in juice or tablet before meals to stimulate digestive juices to flow properly.
Constipation & Liver Function - Make daily regularity your number one assignment for improving the health of your skin. Regardless of any contrary advice the body was designed to eliminate after every meal.
The body is a perfect design yet it doesn't always work perfectly. When you are not eliminating daily, toxic waste builds up in the tissues, lymphatic system and large intestines. Some researchers say bowel can have up to 400 different bad bacteria that can contribute to sluggish health. Also with constipation a natural occurring fungus called Candida Albicans can over grow throughout the intestinal track causing mucus build up. The fungus appears as a white to gray coating on the tongue and seems to block absorption in the small intestines of valuable nutrients. This congestion in the bowel puts a load on the entire lymphatic system including the liver. The lymph and liver work together in removing waste from all of the cells in the body including the blood. The liver is important for over 5000 processes and paramount in the final processing of fat-soluble vitamins, protein, and essential fats that keeps the body and skin healthy. This is why all skin conditions including Rashes, Boils, Acne, Premature Aging, Eczema, and Psoriasis are related to a healthy functioning liver. Correct constipation and you will feel better and your skin will stay healthier.
Exercise - Moving the body increases circulation of the blood, oxygen, and lymph system. Exercise also improves the body's muscle tone, glandular function, negative stress hormones and helping regulate immune function. All types of aerobic exercise add to benefit of moving the body for example walking, marching in place, stretching, running, biking, swimming, etc. 10-45 minutes daily will speed your skin recovery.
Immune System - Balance of the Immune System function is very important in the body. Some people have low immune function with Cancer and viral conditions, etc. and others have an over stimulated immune function termed auto immune with Eczema, Psoriasis, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, M.S. etc.
Skin Care - Aloe vera is used in many skin care products like microdermabrasion creams, Lotions, Lip Balm, Soap and aloe gel for sunburn because of it's beneficial healing and regenenerative properties.
In Eczema and Psoriasis researchers believe the rough, dry scaly patches of skin or small blisters are related to an over active immune system. Through striving to balance the immune function nutritionally through healthier foods, nutritional supplements and a healthier lifestyle (exercise, etc.) you will begin to see improvements. For many they have totally reversed their skin symptoms yet give your body 3-6 months to make significant changes. For some it may take 1-3 years to build healthier skin cells. Do your best each day and remember health is truly our greatest wealth!
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