Your acne is an important message from your body . Your body is trying to tell you something VITAL is going wrong. Here’s what I mean by that…
When something start to go wrong in your body your body sends you a message. You may feel a little nausea, or a pain somewhere, or indigestion...something small.
Now you either hear the message and make some changes or you don't. If you don't hear it then…
Your acne is only an external message
to a much deeper INTERNAL problem
If you don't listen to this message your acne is trying to send you and do something about it, not only will you suffer from acne and acne scars, but you may also suffer from yet an ever increasing severity of hormonally related diseases down the road such as...
Hair loss (both male and female)
Prostate problems
Any disease associated with high estrogen levels...such as female problems, female cancers, and endometriosis.
Well, the reason you're getting acne now is because your system is not "deactivating" and clearing excess and "used" hormones from your body very effectively. And as a result…
Your hormones are way out of balance!
having an exact understanding of just what is causing your acne challenge is vital before you can understand how to get rid of your acne once and for all.
The ROOT cause of your acne
No, the root cause of your acne isn't bacteria (if it was then acne would be highly contagious, which it isn't).
The root cause of your acne isn't the wrong diet (if it was then everyone eating the "wrong" diet would suffer from acne).
Nor is your acne caused by many of the common "causes" you may read about on the web.
The very ROOT cause of your acne is 2 things and 2 things only...
…Hormonal imbalance combined with a very particular type of congesting toxins that buildup in your blood and lymph fluid.
you won't get acne until you mix excess sebum (skin oil) with a very particular kind of highly congesting blood and lymph fluid toxins.
This mixture of excess skin oil, sebum, and highly congesting blood toxins creates the perfect "breeding environment" in and on your skin for acne bacteria to grow like crazy...causing redness, inflammation, swelling, puss, clogged pores, and finally full blown acne.
You see it's not bacteria that cause acne but the environment that's created in and on your skin that causes the trouble. And no matter how many acne bacteria killing products you try acne bacteria will always return.
The difference between you and your friend with perfect skin isn't because they eat a different diet, or take different vitamins, or have a different skin care regimen...No it’s nothing like that.
The difference is they are never "overflowing" their system with excess androgenic hormones and a very particular kind of highly congesting blood and lymph fluid toxins.
Their liver is quickly deactivating and clearing from their blood any excess and/or previously "used" androgenic hormones and blood toxins.
They have much stronger liver function in this regard.
Why women suffer from acne most
during their monthly cycle
This is also why women suffer from acne most during their monthly cycle...
During your monthly cycle your body is producing all kinds of extra hormones at this time. Yet your liver still only has so much ability to deactivate and clear any excess and used hormones from your system.
So your cycle roles around and your liver gets flooded with all these extra hormones at one time...
It can't keep up!
The end result is the same...androgenic hormones get out of balance causing the skin's oil glands to produce way too much sebum. And when combined with a very particular type of congesting blood toxins acne flares.
Adult acne...What's going on here?
O.k. then Mr. Smarty Pants...If hormones and these particular blood toxins are causing acne then why do adults get acne?
Good question. Now you're thinking...
The root cause of ALL acne, be it teenage acne, acne that flares during women's monthly cycles, or adult acne are all the same...hormonal imbalance and excess of a particular kind of congesting blood and lymph toxins.
But the major difference with adult acne is that it isn't so much a surge of hormones overwhelming the liver all at once, but more so it's that the liver's ability to deactivate "used" and excess hormones from the blood and purify the blood of toxins becomes severely compromised...or slowed down.
The end result is still the same...the liver gets overwhelmed. Which leads to excess androgenic hormones and congesting blood toxins. Which leads to adult acne
"I don't care what anybody tells beat your acne challenge you simply MUST bring hormones into balance...
Anyway, these prostaglandins transfer "instructions" from the cells to the hormones. Without them, it is like a conductor trying to lead a blind orchestra.
Just think of them as hormone regulators.
If you don't have enough of the KEY prostaglandins then your hormones get way out of balance. But your body is very efficient at making these hormone regulators if it has enough of a very particular key nutrient.
The first step then to lasting hormonal balance is to ensure your body has enough of this key nutrient and most importantly in the right balance. And from the right sources.
The hormonal balancing effect is not only vital for beating your acne, but also drastically reducing or eliminating PMS symptoms, reducing body-fat (so commonly caused by excess stress hormones), and maintaining or building lean muscle
Think of it this way...
Your body is constantly making hormones. Think of those as a river (hormones) flowing into a pond (your internal system). Then your body is constantly "deactivating" and getting rid of these hormones after they have been "used"...
Think of that as the stream of water running out of the pond.
But what would happen if you dammed up the stream of water leaving the pond?
The “pond” would overflow and flood the surroundings.
Well, that's what happens if something stops excess and "used" hormones from "flowing" out of your system?
They get “all out of balance”…leading to acne and many other chronic hormonally related health problems.
How your body “deactivates” hormones
First hormones are produced by various glands throughout your system. These hormones are then transported to the various hormone receptors throughout your system where they cause their effect.
Think of the hormones themselves as "keys" and hormone receptors as "key holes". They will only "fit" in the hormone receptor they are designed for.
Anyway, what happens after these hormones are "used" by the hormone receptors?
They are then transported by your blood and lymph to your liver. Your liver then "deactivates" them by adding another piece to them so they can't "fit" into any hormonal receptor "key holes".
These deactivated hormones are then expelled by your bowels and kidneys.
Don't worry about understanding all this perfectly. Just get the basic concept here...
Hormones must get "deactivated" and then get
out of your system after they have been used or they will become chronically imbalanced.
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