Friday, August 1, 2008

ok this is what i have found

i decided that i would like a career in natural/or ganic heath care, as a practitioner. i know that taking on-line classes is the best thing for me to do with poots being so young, gas, and all. i found a two reall cool on line schools :
1. University of Natural Heath
2.Clayton College of Natural Heath

I would get my Bachelors of science in natural health and healing. the price is perfect. about 5,000. i will be able to pay for that when i get my income taxes this year all in one clump. i really cant wait! i am so excited!!

so for right now i am focusing on three main goals:
1. Getting married
2. Meeting Attendence and reinstatment
3.Starting and finnishing school.

wish me the best i will be praying constantly!


Eb the Celeb said...

Congrats missy... on the wedding... beautiful baby, and the wonderful plan and life you have ahead of you... Good luck with everything!

KiKiB said...

thank you. i am determined more then ever to finnsh school and all. to complete ALL my goals really. but thank u