What Things Do You Think Every Woman Should Know About Life? Leave Your Inspiration by Commenting & Leaving your Life Tips!
You Cannot Do It All In One Day: There is such a thing as “over goaling”, and when we think that we can get 20 things on our list done in one day, then we are seriously fooling ourselves. When you are trying to plan out your tasks for the day, you must be honest and realistic in order for you to get that feeling of accomplishment. There is nothing worse than having tons of things on your list and only getting 2 of them done. Subconsciously this will make you feel as if you got nothing done. Instead of making one large list, break it down into a couple or a few for that matter. You will find that you feel a lot less overwhelmed.
Take Your Time: Enjoy The Process: It's Worth It: Rushing through life will cause lots of stress and you are sure to miss some beautiful things along the ride, and you are bound to come to more road blocks. So, just take your time with your life. It may have only taken nine months to be created, but it is going to take a heck of a lot longer to perfect, shape, and mold ourselves. When we are born, we are at that stage of an unfinished clay pot, you know, when it is at the stage of being shaped, molded, carved, and glazed, then it has to sit and dry for what seems to be forever, and it is not until it is put into extreme temperatures for a long time does it fully transform into a beautiful piece of art (this is the stage that I call life issues...LOL). It is not until it goes through high temperatures do you see what the glaze that you put on it while shaping it really looks like; so if you rushed and did not mold the clay properly before hand or if you tried to shorten the drying time, your pot will surely fall apart. This same thing goes for our lives...so, take your time...and enjoy the process!
You also have to learn and accept the heated process called life. We rush through things way too much and then we are left with the broken pieces laying in front us. Just enjoy the process of your life, and know that most of the time when your life gets “Hot” that it is only transforming you into a beautiful piece of art...a vessel that will be able to absorb or repel the waters of life, just like that of a clay pot. And just like a clay pot in the making, there is also a cooling process. I relate this to the fact that many times our lives can get really hot, you know, and we have to just provide stillness sometimes. You don't want to touch it, or move, it, just be still, listen to the clarity of the calmness, and watch and wait. Let things cool down before taking on the heat, or else you will get burned, and take the risk of the “pot” breaking! (but remember, there is beauty in starting over should this happen)
Me Time Is Essential: This has been discussed a lot here on ymib, so we probably all know this by now, however, it is important to define what me time is. It is not always a scene of relaxation and serenity, but could be anything that makes you feel better. Also, you do not have to have a full day or blocks of hours to fulfill your me time. You can take little breaks and do something that you like during the day. When I am supposed to be blogging or writing an article, or any other work related task, or teaching the little one, I often take 30 minute breaks and just look at decorating ideas, or sketch, then I go back to what I was doing. This also works well for all of those who are working on an outside project outside of your day job. Carry your journals and sketch books to work ladies! You can find me time just about anywhere...even in cleaning(a great self reflection time, and you get the reward of feeling good in your fresh abode:)
Just Have Fun: Lighten Up...Ladies, Don't Take This All So Serious! How many times have you totally stressed out about life and then when you look back on how you reacted, you were like “Man, I Totally Overreacted”. There will always be things within our life that tries and does throw us off our path, but you do not have to stress out about it. Stress & depression is one of the leading causes of death in women, especially Nubian women. So, Just have fun, because if you look real deep, you will see that the stressful times are where you learned the most, so smile at those moments, because you know the results will be eye opening in the end. I also highly recommend a childs spirit & laughter as a daily dose into your life. A child can find beauty, creativity, and fun in a toilet tissue roll, so why can't we find the same joy in the mundane. It is important for us to keep the spirit of a child...not the mentality...but the spirit. I still watch cartoons until this day! Find joy, beauty, and the possibilities in the mundane. You know it's funny, many times when we walk, we look straight forward, back, and from side to side, but how often do we look up. I have realized this on many of my walks. I discover things I never noticed before when I just "look up" to life! Do you get what I mean?
Cleanliness Is Next to Calmness: This one goes out to all the mothers especially, because it can get so hard to keep order and sanity together when you have little ones roaming to and fro getting into what seems to be everything. But, if you can manage to keep things in order, put things back, and keep everything cleaned, then you will be at least 95 percent assured that you will find yourself a lot calmer and less stressed. Instead of having one block of cleaning time, just break it up into mini cleanings through the day to avoid that tired and overwhelmed feeling! Nevertheless, whether you are a busy mom, or a single lady on the go, keeping your home, car, and workplace clean will offer you more times of clarity and sanity!
Well, that's about all for now. I hope this has inspired, I may have rambled a bit, but I hope it made sense in the end. I will try to post continuations in either articles or bites along the way
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