Tuesday, July 1, 2008


i think about her and i in the event of an emergency. like what happened in new orleans in hurricane katrina. or if this country were to be invaded by some military crazies and we have to hide places and stuff or if god forbid her and i were ever seperated. well, i'm going to buy some gallons of water and a flaslight and some canned goods (got them around the house) and go to walmart and get some stretchy material for 1 buck a yard, and a radio. what i like about the material is i it's so versitile. i bought some material like this to tie around my head in the cute litttle styles. but one day my cousin came ovr and taught me how to tie my baby in it like the africans do. her boyfriend is african. it's so convenient. i put poots in it and do myhouse work and she's close to me and we both like that. well sometimes i wrap her in it if its cold. i just take it off my head and do all this stuff. lol. cool huh. so it's perfect because it keeps my hands free. for climbing ect. i know, i know, i'm crazy but u gotta think about this type of stuff. lol lmaooo. imma get some baby food just in case she's not still breastfeeding. if she's old enough i'll tell her a place to meet me that i'll be NO MATTER WHAT. i think about those mothers in times of disaster and seeing there children in harms way. idk. i would kiss my baby and die with her. i couldnt live w/o her. i know it sounds crazy but i couldnt see me / my life w/o her it. it would be pointless. meaningless. i think about those jewish mothers in the time of the hollacaust. it's heart wrenching to read the stories of what they had to go through. or even tragedies that happen now. like natural disasters, wars, genocides all the other attrocities. i pray for u those mommys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is so tru. i think the curse of being American is that we often forget that there are people in this world that can't go to sleep because they are worried about getting blown up or they are crying because they just watched their child get slaughtered. who knows the way america is going we might just end up like that third world country u seen on the news or something. we have to be grateful but we must also prepare. Great post :) muahzz