Thursday, February 28, 2008

"i wouldnt turn around niether"

OMG today i thought that my baby was breeched. Today i had an appointment. and i asked my dr. to tell me if my baby had turned around already and had her head pointed down. well, she said "sure i was gonna do that today anyway." "ok". so here we go. i'm on my back and she poking my belly so hard, and she said "oh, it doesnt feel like she is turned around yet, lets take a look at her in the other room". at this time i didnt know this is where the ultrasound machine was. my heart sped up. i had to wait for the ultrasound room to become available. in that wait i was thinking of all the things that could be wrong if she were breech. i really dont want a c-section. i was wondering if there was anything wrong with her that would cause her to not turn around. then i thought to myself "well, if i were her i wouldnt turn around niether. after everything i have put her through during this pregnancy. i would act funky too." then i thought "u have the right to act funky in there baby girl, i understand."
i went to the ultrasound and got to see my baby's top of her head. lol. she was turned around! just up really high and that y she didnt feel right to the dr. lol. she had the cutest top of the head. lol. it's big, like mine. lol. Thats my girl. i only have 11 more days til i can kiss the top of her head.

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