I cringe when i think of what i have to raise her in. this world. it's so cruel and heartless. only for her pure white innocence to be tainted and tarnished by so called "family'', ''friends'', and ''humans'' who she has to coexist with. i wish i could move her to some sort of civilized island with normal people and raise her to love, nurture and be strong. raise her to fear no man, be independent, and open minded. i want her to have structure in the right areas ( her education, her personal life, and her morals) without being so tightly wound that she cant see past black and white. i want, i want, i want! i want to cry for my daughter. because i know that on her own accord she is going to make decisions that will make me want to RING HER NECK and they will hurt her. and i wont be able to stop the hurt. i want to cry for my daughter because people will hurt her, misunderstand her, judge her and fight her (physically, mentally, and emotionally). I want to cry for my daughter because there will be time i CANT walk for her, i cant guide her. she will be on her own. i want to cry for my daughter because people will want to shut her up , stomp her down, and scare her. They will call her ugly (because this world is just MEAN)
but i wont cry. I will be strong. and i will raise her to be the same way. i wont cry because when she makes that decision that will make me want to ring her neck, she'll have the sense to realize her mistakes, learn from them, and grow. she'll stop her hurt and I'll be right there cheering her on. I wont cry for my daughter because when people hurt her, misunderstand her, judge her and want to fight her. She wont quiver because she has a pussy. She will continue to walk strong, high and fight back. Fight with her words, her education, HER FIST! I wont cry for my daughter because when i cant walk for her, or guide her she will have god and legions of angels on her side to walk with her. i wont walk for her, but i too will walk WITH her. I wont cry for my daughter because when they try to shut her up, stomp her down, or scare her. She wont be, she'll be fearless, opinionated tall. when people call her names and ugly , her feelings wont be hurt. she'll know beyond any doubt that she is beautiful, black and a princess. my princess, a raising queen. I'm raising a queen.
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