Monday, August 17, 2009

Not So Spiritual

To be honest lately i havnt done ANYTHING apiritually.i havnt read my bible, hardly pray and i havnt been to my meetings. idk whats wrong with me. i know its what i need to do...but is it just me or does it seem that the more i do these things the MORE hectic and out of control my life is and the more i go through emotionally?? i dont like that feeling. HONESTLY....the results when i am doing these things isnt peace and contentment..but tears and emotional unease. i know it is healthy. i know that its kind of like when you do a detox and rid you body of all the toxins through fasting, and colon cleanse its a uncomfortable process. the detox takes a lot of you, you may have bad dreams, hunger pains ect..but its the body ridding itself of these bad things. and thats what its like when i am on my spiritual rutine. its like, because the bible reveals things that are wrong in your life, relationships, hurts to face these hurts EVEN WORSE to get rid of them (when u dont want to)it hurts to think DEEPLY on a matter when you DONT want to.
I thought spirituality was suppose to soothe those fears, dislikes and

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