I have noticed lately that since i have been doing my bible reading regularly, praying and working out that even my dreams are pleasent. you know, negativity, toxitity (is that a word? lol) and unholiness, can become so evident in your life. you know your thoughts and brain are full of toxic thoughts when you have nightmares. i was having nightmares for a while. as a matter of fact. i felt that dreaming was stupid, because everytime I did it, it was bad. but that was just my body battling with negative thoughts, that was my spirit battling with not being focused on jehovah. when you are physically not in shape, not taking care of your body and constantly feeding it bad food ,it lets you know by yeilding tumors, being weak, life less, energyless, discharges, and all types of stupidity. the same goes for your mind, when you constantly think about negativity, when you read negagtivity, or dont have your mind FIXED on spiritual matters/ things it will YIELD (give back) that stuff in bad dreams, bad thoughts, depressions. think about it. makes sence??
look at me, after my work out i feel all smart and intelligent. I AM! lol
so think positivly,meditate on jehovah, read your bible and pray...and may you have sweet pleasent dreams!
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