Saturday, March 14, 2009


On track. I came in the house and began packing my stuff. I had found a place to stay and all that.all that day he acteed as if me leaving didn't matter. And really that was just fuel for my fire.i was literally THROWING my shit in a bag. we didnt say much to one another all that day. except for me occationally asking him was he REALLY serious about how noncelant he was acting. he would give me some excuse. no reason was what i wanted to hear other then "dont go . i love you and i want you. stay. " all i wanted was to feel like he loves me as much as i love him. at any rate. i went to sleep later that night and he came in the room and pulled me out of the bed and said "come spend time with me befor you leave." so i did. we went in the living roo while kira slept in the bedroom. he wrapped his arms around me and said "im not as hard as u think i am. i dont want u to go. i do love you soooo much. i promise u i will do better. i'll kiss u more, ect ect ect. PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME." wow! there it was. thats what i wanted to hear. we continued to talk. and a lot was resolved. so it looks like the wedding is back in place.

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