Come know the struggles and triumphs in my life as a new mom. She's the sweetest most precious little girl ever. It gets no better then this.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
the first time i heard of this chinese jamaican women, i had made a DILIGENT effort to watch her on the Oprah show. Oprah had a segment called GAY AROUND THE WORLD. it touched on life for LGBT's around the world. there is soooo much to think about in this life. so much to know. i say this because i first of all i have never even contemplated the race of chinese jamaican. NEVER once thought about it. it makes me wonder about ALL the races and POSSIBLE combinations of people out there. and how i would like to see them, ask them about thier experiences in this world. THis world that i have sooooo blindly thought only about in black, white, asian, or a mix or ONLY those three. what about a mix or iranian and japanese. i saw a little boy once mixed like that. and i felt something run through me. i dont know WHY. it was just amazing the combitions and situations people get themselves into in the name of love. lol. and it makes such beautiful people. such.....(to be really lame) eye candy. lol. Second: i have never thought about gay people in other places other then America. Its sad what people have to go through. Its sad that people cant just LEAVE people alone. i am not saying to AGREE with LGBT, to TRY it, to LIKE it even. But i am saying noone should have to hated or hurt for WHO THEY ARE!! Hate people that sit and REALLY choose to act like a asshole or a bitch through the day. Hate the straight mutha fuckas that do cruel things in this world. MOST of the time it is NOT LGBT person that does these sick things ( i.e murder, rape, killing thier children, taunting and teasing, hate the man or the women that walks out and leave their child parentless, hate the people tha are LIVING off of the state and our hard earned tax dollars) it is a straight. so if there is a need to hate choose your battles / hate wisely.
i have ever so gently fallen head over heels for Saceyann Chin. THe way she delivers her poetry, the words fly out of her mouth like she is a fire breathing dragon, and singes the hair off her audiences face. she is a activist and a feminist.
You Dirty Black dykes and faggots can fucking die practicing that kkkracka shit from Europe killing my race off! I'm an ex blood traitor, ex Black feminist, and an ex bisexual and you people with LGBT have lied to me for 10 years about this disease killing my people off! I'm a Rastafari and no This not a religion thang cause racist kkkrackas lie in church about homosexuality coming gfrom the Devil bullshit it came from Europhiles! Fucking die AIDS you dykes and fuck StacyAnn Chin! I used to admire her for surviving through the tough times in her life , but she is a she evil bitch pushing an agenda out to killing my people off and she needs to denounce this disease NOW, get back to her roots of Afrika,know where lesbianism comes from Europe, and be with a strong Black man!
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You Dirty Black dykes and faggots can fucking die practicing that kkkracka shit from Europe killing my race off! I'm an ex blood traitor, ex Black feminist, and an ex bisexual and you people with LGBT have lied to me for 10 years about this disease killing my people off! I'm a Rastafari and no This not a religion thang cause racist kkkrackas lie in church about homosexuality coming gfrom the Devil bullshit it came from Europhiles! Fucking die AIDS you dykes and fuck StacyAnn Chin! I used to admire her for surviving through the tough times in her life , but she is a she evil bitch pushing an agenda out to killing my people off and she needs to denounce this disease NOW, get back to her roots of Afrika,know where lesbianism comes from Europe, and be with a strong Black man!
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