i am so tired of it. Dont i say that EVERYTIME there is drama? So anyway, Devin losthis job again. Due to no fault of his own.i have been reluctant to tell ANYONE. As a matter of a fact i HAVNT told a SOUL. kindda dealing with shit alone. this is a piece of a convo i had with my friend Sam.
soul_frodisiac: and I"LL be wrong
soul_frodisiac: and my mom is on my nerves
soul_frodisiac: my job is on my nerves
soul_frodisiac: yo EVERYTHING
amethystine225: uhoh
amethystine225: we should go to a gym
soul_frodisiac: yo my life is EVERYTHING wrong ALL the time
soul_frodisiac: i dont understand for real
soul_frodisiac: right
soul_frodisiac: there is no reason i cant go in the am
amethystine225: u shouldnt say that
amethystine225: the universe is listening
amethystine225: whatever u say
amethystine225: u get
amethystine225: say
amethystine225: my life is great all the time
amethystine225: instead
amethystine225: n try to believe it
soul_frodisiac: mmmmm
soul_frodisiac: tru
soul_frodisiac: u so sweet
amethystine225: i try
I hate feeling this way. Devin lost his job, i havnt been keeping with my goals, my Boss is acting like a dick suddenly. idk WHAT his problem is. im struggling to pay the gas and electric, put gas in the car, and food on the table. til devin finds a job i gotta hold that shit down myself. my mom told me "it seems like u LIKE being disfellowshipped" and "Everything that i have ever done for u has back fired on me" and "i wish u would just find another job so i dont have to deal with you!" Devin always saying shit.i always angry. there are times i just wanna run away with poots and be gone for like 6 weeks or some dumb ass shit. iunno.
but on the plus side. i got my phone i wanted!! it is soooo cool. and i will be paying for school. things will get better