Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I'm Gonna Write This off my Chest

at first i was a little scepticle about writting this on my blog. but then i thought " the hell? this is MY blog" and whomever doesnt like what i write about and how much drama in my life can ever so gently click on that little red ex in the top right hand corner."

so let me tell you. for the past few weeks whenever we go over to devin's parents house between, devin's sister, dad and mom they have all been laying it on kindda thick about giving pooots jared food. i mean LITERALLY at least ONE of them would say SOMETHING about how Poots needs to be on jared food, or how i"m gonna have to stop breastfeeding before a year is up, or something neggative as respects to my breastfeeding poots. so anyway today they came in the house after going to the grocery store with jars of food for her. i was like WTF!? its not even that i dont want her on baby food that irritated me so much but thier total lack of respect and consideration for my feeling towards the issue. its like instead of me stating my piece and that being that there was a constant bonbardment of questions.....convincing arguments.....shit that i was being talked to about. and it was just so annoying. i could spit. so anyways then me and devin are talking about it and he says that i am selfish! SELFISH?! are you fuckin kidding me?! he said i'm selfish because i want to breastfeed poots for one year rather she wants to be or not. first of all i could half way see his point if she even cared. but she doesnt. and would be sooooo much to ask that he be on my side for once. but i'm tired of writting about that. mmmm on top of it all my dad is missing. nobody has heard from him all damn day since 12 this afternoon and its 4 am


Anonymous said...

I think his family is being a little too pushy and they need to remember you are her mother and you make the decisions and as long as her doctor says she is in good health, keep doing what you are doing. I think more mothers should breastfeed-here is some information to make you feel wonderful about your decision:

Breastfeeding provides much more than just nutrition. Toddlers really enjoy nursing -- they don't nurse for milk alone. Breastfeeding soothes your child. It comforts him when he is tired, sick or hurt. Nursing is your baby's way of touching base with you as he busily explores his world. Parents often worry that their child will become clingy and dependent if they are nursed for an extended period of time. Providing your little one with this loving and secure base actually helps him to become independent. A longer duration of breastfeeding has been found to be directly associated with not only fewer infant illnesses, but subsequently, fewer toddler illnesses. Mothers also benefit from extended nursing. You continue to benefit from the hormones of breastfeeding. The "mothering hormone," prolactin, relaxes you, while oxytocin stimulates loving , nurturing behavior. As mothers of nursing toddlers know, this can be very important to your mental health and well-being. The FDA recommends that babies be breast-fed for six to 12 months. Solid foods can be introduced when the baby is 4 to 6 months old, but a baby should drink breast milk for a full year.

Since she is 6 months now, talk to her doctor about which foods to introduce into her diet first. You want to be very careful because of allergies. If you prefer to make her food yourself instead of wasting money on jarred food, good you you!!!

KiKiB said...

Thank u so much for your opinion and input. The information u gave me was very encouraging. Guess what I decided? To BF for an additional year. Maybe longer! She's 6 mos now. Maybe until she's 1 1/2 or 2. Lmaooooo .