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Come know the struggles and triumphs in my life as a new mom. She's the sweetest most precious little girl ever. It gets no better then this.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
Chakra Balancing Visualization Meditation Technique
One of the best meditation techniques for opening and balancing the chakra points, is the visualization meditation technique. In this technique, the color attribute of each chakra is exploited and used an instrument to stimulate and awaken that particular chakra.
Let’s begin first though by giving a brief overview of the chakra system and how they work. Chakra point are energy vortexes that reside in the astral body and transmute energy between the 3 bodies that make up a human being. There 3 bodies are the physical body, astral body and mental body. Charka points essentially move energy between these bodies, by raising or dropping the frequency of the energy as required.
Each chakra resides in a particular location along the spine from the base to the crown of the head, and the health of the chakra is reflected in the health of the organs and systems in that particular region. In addition, chakra points are responsible for personality traits and having the chakra in balance, means to have one’s physical, emotional and mental bodies in balance as well. So now that we have an understanding of chakra points, let’s delve into the visualization meditation technique which can be used to open, heal and balance the chakra points.
Each chakra point is associated with a particular color, and by using this information along with the power of concentration and visualization one can help stimulate a particular chakra and assist it in opening. Below is the color chart that lists the particular color associated with each chakra point. Each of these colors should then be used, as described in the meditation script below it.
Chakra Point Color Chart:
Root chakra meditation color: Red
Sex chakra meditation color: Orange
Navel chakra meditation color: Yellow
Heart chakra meditation color: Green
Throat chakra meditation color: Blue
Third eye chakra meditation color: Indigo
Crown chakra meditation color: Violet
To practice chakra visualization meditation technique, one should follow the step-by-step instructions below.
1. Either lie on your back, or sit up in cross legged posture with your back straight.
2. Close your eyes and take 5 deep slow breaths to help relax you and clam the mind.
3. Now begin to visualize the color red at the base of your spine as a glowing ball of red light. Feel your breath moving in and out from this center while continuing to imagine a red ball of light emanating from that location.
4. After spending a minute or two at the root chakra, move up to the sex chakra and repeat the exercise with the color orange.
5. In this fashion work through all the other chakras as well, where the navel chakra is located at the level of the solar plexus, the heart chakra at the level of the sternum, the throat chakra at the neck and the third eye chakra in the middle of the forehead.
6. Once you complete the cycle, relax for a few minutes and then finish the meditation, by affirming you are healthy, balanced and at peace.
The above chakra meditation, works through the entire chakra system, but if you are interested in opening and balancing just one particular chakra, you can simply focus on doing the visualization meditation with the color for that specific chakra only. This method of chakra balancing is very effective, but one should use it judiciously, as one should be physically able to handle the increased energy flow that can occur when chakras are activated and opened
Monday, November 5, 2012
BOOK: The Upper Room by Mary Monroe
Mary Monroe is one of my all time FAVORITE authoress'. She REALLY knows how to create colorful characters and page turning plot lines that keep you coming back for more. HOWEVER....this book was not one of those for me. Despite all the positive reviews I read about it over the internet, I personally did not enjoy it. The story centers around a morbidly obese, emotionally unstable women called mama Ruby. In the story Mama Ruby resurrects her best friend's stillborn daughter (by performing a christian practice called "layingon of hands") and runs away with the child raising her as her own. The book is filled with a bunch of nosey annoying, irrational people that just got on my nerves. The whole book was just annoying to me. It took me FOREVER to read it, I was left with the question of what was so sacred about that upper room. NOTHING! You get through through the entire book HOPING to find out what was so special about the upper, and it's LITERALLY NOTHING! SO ANNOYING. I hated the whole thing!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
BOOK: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
I personally LOVED this book. I have read a lot of bad reviews on it. But overall, she's doing nothing but advocating for positive thinking. And rewiring you're thinking to make your life happier. I dont see how anyone could have anything bad to say about that. I am actually so happy that the universe showed me the way to this book and others like it. The past few months of studying The Law Of Attractions have been a complete joy. and opened up my mind to the possibility that life doesnt always have to be about STRUGGLING, ENDURING, and SACRIFICING! That there is an abundance of EVERYTHING in life including happiness and safety I just have to grab a hold of it and think positively . I will admit that i TRULY believe MOST of my problems of these past few years has been due to a contaminated mind. Contaminated by depression and sadness making it hard for me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I has completely given up (pretty much) on LIFE. On my life ever getting any better. Thinking that i had ruined it irreversibly and and i was going to wait on God to fix everything when he decided to bless me, through struggling, enduring and sacrificing. No WONDER i was depressed! I have the power to change my marriage, to be happy, to find a FULFILLING spirituality and live the life I want. I was literally TOLD that because I married the man i wanted to, WHEN i wanted to my life is going to SUCK until God fixes it (whenever he was ready). And that the "ripple effects" of my sin could take YEARS to undo. That's a bunch of bullshit. What KIND of life is that??? What kind of God DOES THAT?? Absolutely HAS the POWER to bless me for my obedience in other areas of my life, and sees my STRUGGLES in life, and WILLLLL do it, JUST NOT NOW cause i got married when he didnt want me to. Thats a bunch of crap. and i dont accept that as being God.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
Can you believe it?! Can you just picture it? Can you fathom it??? I CAN!! lool. I am so excited and i cant believe how quickly time is winding down. Isnt lfe just grand. I plan on keeping this level of euphoria for as long as i can. I think i have actually found a spirituality that i like so far. I LOVE the affirmations/ positive thinking/law of attraction stuff. I hate to call it "stuff" but i dont want to call it "New Age" because it's NOT NEW. It's been around for as long as man. and WELL before Christianity. I actually feel GREAT when i force myself to think positively and then IT IS positive. I create MORE positivity. I havnt COMPLETED reading a book in 2 mos. idk why. I have been jumping from book to book. My goal is to read one book a week til i finnish all that is in my phone. and all that are in my closet. Then sell the ones i'm not going to revisit. I have been trying to pray and meditate about a career for myself. i have been trying to list all the things that make me happy. That i could do ALL day, and THAT is what i will make a career of. SO far i have
-i love jewelry
-i love crocheted nick nacks
i will keep praying and meditating. Keep balancing until i get a DEFINITE answer.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
6 mos protective challenge . The beginning : two strand spring twists
They didn't turn out like the professionals or like what's on the package ...but I still like them.
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