Friday, June 24, 2011

Book: Princess: Life Beihind the Veil in Saudi Arabia

A true page turner!! I couldnt put it down for things like eatting and sleeping. I love when women are BRAVE. It is exspected that men be brave. That is a trait that is VERY EASILY associated with men. Bravery is as closly associated with men, as masculinity is associated with men. What i mean by this is, im not saying that women cant be brave or that its not exspected for a women to be brave (especially concerning the protection of her children)but society put more pressure on men to be BRAVE then for women. If a man goes to war, he is EXSPECTED to be brave and run toward the battle lines , where its a little more ok for a women to not. This book changed for me that perspective on bravery. In Saudi Arabian society, to exist as a women REQUIRES bravey. Most of men in the country of Saudi Arabia are monsters and this book tells the harowing story of a Princess. She is dubbed Princess Sultana, which isnt her real name but for her safety she has to take on this alias to tell her story. She is a BRAVE women who REFUSES to live with the unjustes suffered by Saudi women, at the hands of the men. In the book just when i thought i could trust her husband and i thought he was a good Saudi man, but that place seems to only breed shallow men of no substance. Its THAT society, THAT CULTURE and PLACE. a GOOOOOD book!!

my best friend bought me my little

Gold doo-dad in my hair. I'm hoping my hair will be long enough for some kind of extensions for my cousins wedding in august
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my hair is really growing

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fuzzy kisses

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

BOOK: The Reading Promise by Alice Ozma

Such an AWESOME book!! It's a memoir of a girl and the relationship she shared with her father. Such a CLOSE knitt bond, its almost tangible through the pages. I thorugly enjoyed each page! The memoir chronicles a goal that Alice and her father set to read for 100 nights in a row. Once this goal was met however, niether wanted to stop, so it turned into a father/ daughter tradition that was dubbed THE STREAK. No matter what the streak couldnt be broken...and dispite many threats it wasnt.
I love books that motivate and get me on my game because although poots and I read togther OFTEN (at least 4 times a week) it would be better to do it EVERYDAY. I personally LOVE traditions, and rituals, so anything that feeds that desire is right up my alley. My favorite part of the book was when Alice tells of her childhood morbid fear of the corpes of John F. Kennedy appearing on her bottom bunk and nightly course she had to run to prepeare for bed. HA! Hilarious.


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dont be mad at me sweetie, we do it cuz we love u

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in trouble

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dont me and poots look just alike?

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me as a kid

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