I am soul_frodisiac)
soul_frodisiac: oh
soul_frodisiac: lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
soul_frodisiac: girl
soul_frodisiac: i have been SUCHHHHH a BITCH
soul_frodisiac: these past few days
amethystine225: y
soul_frodisiac: PMS
soul_frodisiac: i forgot that i have that shit NOW!!
soul_frodisiac: im usuing ur pads
soul_frodisiac: but its comming
soul_frodisiac: i have been walkin around pickin fights, ANGRY, and just TOTALLY BITCHY
amethystine225: damn son
soul_frodisiac: i be ANGRY for no reason
soul_frodisiac: i think there may be something wrong
soul_frodisiac: because for the first time ever today
amethystine225: like wat
soul_frodisiac: i HATED devin
soul_frodisiac: and he aint even do shit
amethystine225: lmaooo
soul_frodisiac: i mean
soul_frodisiac: i REALLY wanted him to die!
amethystine225: y
amethystine225: lol
soul_frodisiac: i never felt like this b4 i had poots when i was PMS'ing
soul_frodisiac: I think i may go stay with my cousin for a few days
soul_frodisiac: til it comes
soul_frodisiac: looooooooooool
amethystine225: damn
soul_frodisiac: my poor poor devin
soul_frodisiac: he didnt deserve nothing i put him through today of yesturday
soul_frodisiac: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
soul_frodisiac: i feel like crying
soul_frodisiac: he wanted to do our bibel readong together
soul_frodisiac: and i acted sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo childish
soul_frodisiac: and disrespectful
amethystine225: what did u do
soul_frodisiac: and all he wanted to do was read the bible
soul_frodisiac: when it came to my turn to read it, i read it REAL FAST and low
soul_frodisiac: and he could hardly hear me
soul_frodisiac: looooooooooooooool
soul_frodisiac: and
soul_frodisiac: when i was praying
soul_frodisiac: i was saying how i need help cause sometimes he really makes me angry and i really dislike him
soul_frodisiac: pooor devin
soul_frodisiac: he was sooooooooooo sad yesturday
amethystine225: damn
amethystine225: lmaooooooo
amethystine225 is typing a message.
amethystine225: n u dont kno why
soul_frodisiac: yea i think imma stay with my cousin til i start my cyle
soul_frodisiac: i was just being MEAN!! and DEVILISH
soul_frodisiac: pickin fights and being mad
soul_frodisiac: lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
soul_frodisiac: thats TERRIBLE!!!
THis is a Convo between me and a friend about my PMS. I need to get some tea, and stuff to calm me down, so im not so angry during this time and picking fights with devin. like even right now as i type, i just feel MAD. FOR NO REASON THOUGH! This is insane! no, really, i feel like a crazy person. i was laying in the bed earlier, all i was doing wa laying and i was JUST PISSED OFF!! i have NEVER PMS'd like this before having Poots. i wonder if having her, and having the epidoral and stuff just jacked up my hormones and made my PMS sooooooooo much worse. i mean, i think back to last month and the cramp were the worst i had EVER felt, now i am more hormonal then ihave EVER felt. i think there is a reason for all this